Alumni Board of Directors

Michael DeWitt, 2001
After graduating from Howe in 2001, as Company Commander of Bravo Co, Michael DeWitt immediately joined the Marine Corps, where he served for six years. Upon completion, he went to college and studied information technology, business, and marketing. Michael is an active Past Master in Freemasonry and is one of three partners at an IT company.
E-mail Mike:

Eleni Mitropoulos-D’Andrea, 2004
1st Vice President
Eleni Mitropoulos, ’04, attended Howe Military Academy™ for six years. Her stepfather, James D. Weiss, Sr., ’53, was a dedicated Board of Trustee and Alumni Association member. He also founded the Howe Military Academy Alumni Club™ in 2000 – a place in Sturgis where Howe alumni can gather and enjoy reminiscing together. Following in Jim’s footsteps, Eleni became Vice President of the Alumni Association and served on the School Board of Trustees until the School’s closing. She now runs and manages the Alumni Club. When the School closed, Eleni personally photographed, inventoried, and moved all of the memorabilia from Howe’s former campus to the Alumni Club to preserve and maintain it for years to come.
E-mail Eleni:

Crystal Vaughn, 2012
2nd Vice President, Acting Treasurer
Registered Agent
E-mail Crystal:

Brian Morabito, 1990
Brian is a Class of 1990 Howe Military School™ graduate; his younger and better looking sister Laura, who still outranks him, graduated with the Class of 1993.
Brian’s professional life and the good he has performed echoes the lessons and impacts of the extraordinary Howe faculty, staff, and educators in whose classrooms and barracks and homes he is so very fortunate to have experienced: CPT Glen and Fran Barton, LTC Reed Kimball, Mr. Earl Cleveland (RIP), Mr. Richard Piper (RIP), MAJ Eric Colville (RIP), Rev. Dr. Terry Timson (RIP), and of course Mr. John Pagin (RIP).
Since becoming an active participant with the HMSAA in 2004, Brian continues to wear several hats: Volunteer, Class Agent, Board Director (2012), Secretary and Parliamentarian (2018). His academic background and focus in the humanities, communication, law and philosophy fuels his professional endeavors which include at-risk youth counseling, public safety and security, legal support services, field investigation, research interviewing, data collection, entrepreneurialism and consumer advocacy. In reality, he has become an incidental wanderer, an idealistic rabble-rouser and a dedicated alumnus focused on mapping and activating Howe Military’s vast and immeasurably resourceful network of alumnae/i, in order to help preserve lasting and living Howe legacies.
Email Brian:

Fred Seibold, 1953
Fred Seibold attended Howe Military School™ four years, was 1953 Salutatorian, battalion staff, and Editor of both Herald and Tatler. Attended University of Illinois under a Regular NROTC scholarship; after commissioning served 3 years in PhibLant and 19 years in Ready Reserve, eventually completing two three-year tours as commanding officer of two Naval Security Group units, retiring as Commander (O-5). Worked in the family florist business for years, built and managed an FM broadcast station for 15 years, managed another for 10, and did engineering at an NBC TV station for 10. Lions Clubs 60+ years, Rotarian 20+. Director of HMSAA since 2014, President 2018-2021.
E-mail Fred:

James McKnight, 1978
After James finished Howe he attended Monmouth College in Monmouth Illinois graduated with a BA in Speech Communications, then proceeded to Sangamon State University and did his MA coursework in Economics. he was the first African American Stockbroker in Springfield Illinois, also for a short period was Director of Housing & Management for the Springfield Housing Authority, James worked for some well- respected firms, Blue Cross Blue Shield as a Claims Manager, State Farm Insurance as an adjuster, Prudential Insurance Company, taught college economics for 6 years, them got into the airline business as an agent, eventually rose and became a trainer after meeting the CEO, and giving a presentation that blew him and his executive board away. James was a top trainer for over 10 years. After crafting their first union contract he became and am President of our Local Union CWA 3146, consisting of 23 stations in 9 states including St. Thomas V.I. around 2500 employees. He spends his time between DC when legislative issues arise and of course sunny Miami, and Chicago where I still have ties. James still attributes a great deal of his success to Howe.
E-mail James:

Rudy Recile, 1986
Attended Howe 1982 – 1986. Freshman Year Echo Company, Sophomore Year Delta, Junior Year Bravo 1SG, Senior Year Battalion Staff, BN CDR and S3. Four Year Letterman, VHC.
Small business owner YCDI Corp, Website Company, Former US Department of Agriculture employee and Retired US Army Major, having served 26 years.
E-mail Rudy:

Craig Buskirk, 1970
Craig Buskirk attended Howe Military School™ 3 years, graduating in 1970. He was on the Battalion Staff and Assistant Tactical Officer of Lower School Co. F.
Craig worked for General Motors Corporation 18 ½ years and then returned to Ball State University earning his BSW in Social Work and a Masters Degree in Executive Development for Non-profit and Government Organizations. Craig was the Executive Director of two Non-profits organizations, a Child Protective Investigator in both Florida and Indiana, Case Manager at Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Indiana, and Social Services Director at a Nursing Home in Muncie prior to his retirement.
During the summer months Craig enjoys camping with his wife, Linda, in northern Indiana (not far from Howe). As a Director of the Howe Military School Alumni Association™ he very much wants to keep the legacy of Howe Military School™ alive and encourages all HMS Alumni to work together to help keep the memories and legacy alive.
E-mail Craig:

Owen Creger, 1986
Email Owen:

Adam Stacey, 2002
E-mail Adam:

Greg Taylor, 1980
Greg attended Howe for four years, from 1976 to 1980; he was the Company Commander in E Co during his senior year. Greg’s father, Max Taylor, came to work for Howe during Greg’s junior year and worked there for 30 years. Football was Greg’s passion, and he played all four years at Howe. Greg continued his love for Football at Hanover College, where he played football for all four years. After graduating from Hanover with a degree in business, Greg moved to the Lafayette, Indiana area.
As a past Board President, Greg contributes a unique perspective to the Alumni Board. Greg is committed to fostering connections among alumni and supporting the school’s legacy as a member of the board’s Class Agents Committee. Outside of board responsibilities, Greg cherishes time with his wife and family, embracing the balance between work, travel, and personal interests, including gardening and home projects.
With a vision for a vibrant alumni community, Greg’s contributions play an important role in shaping the future of Howe Military School’s legacy.
E-mail Greg:

Dr. David Frederick, 1948
Dr. Frederick is a retired clinical psychologist. At Howe he was in B Co., President of ISOH Club, Chemistry medal, St. Vincent’s Guild, Alpha Delta Tau.
Howe Alma Mater
The Howe Military School Choir 2018 sings the Alma Mater:
*”ones” after 1988
Howe, Alma Mater loyal sons* we stand
To pledge our love to thee with heart and hand
Faithful are we throughout this life ’till death
We’ll sing thy praises with our latest breath.
Thy love so kind hath led us in the past,
In thy fair walls our happy lot was cast,
And day by day as down life’s path we trod
Thy wholesome guidance brought us nearer God.
Now year by year as we our way pursue,
Recall to us thy teaching ever true.
Refresh us daily whereso e’re we be.
All through this life we gladly look to thee.
Once more before thine altar low we bend,
Pledging our deep devotion without end,
Hear thy true sons* as joyous voice we raise,
Howe Alma Mater, Thine be all our praise.
The following song is NOT the Alma Mater,
but was sung occasionally at events like the
Boar’s Head Dinner and Commencement.
“Dear Old Howe”
Sing a song of dear old Howe, Boys,
Raise the chorus high;
Roll her praises o’er the country, send them to the sky.
Lift the chorus, speed it onward over hill and dale!
Hail to thee, our alma mater,
Hail to Howe, all hail!
Here we stand for right and justice, now and evermore,
Inspiration, mind and body, Wisdom’s sacred lore.
(repeat chorus)